Let There Be Light! All About Element 4’s Lighted Business Signs
As a business owner, you are constantly thinking of ways to make your establishment stand out among others and garner attention from prospective customers. There are actually a lot of ways to do this, however, people may not often realize that simply creating compelling signage is a way to boost recognition.
Signage, in all its forms, is crucial to your business. Ergo, when thinking of ways to improve and enhance your signs, lighting is often what first comes to mind. Especially if the intention is to integrate lighting on the exterior of your business or building. Lighting can be constructed in a few different ways, but LED remains a tried-and-true solution. Lighting can be meticulously designed, in a way that is specifically rendered to complement your sign’s specific structure. Or it can serve as a general spotlight, highlighting and illuminating your sign. There are all types of methods to maximize your lighting scheme, and at Element 4 Signs & Graphics, we’ve got the tools and acumen to follow through with your customized design.

Pricing LED Signs: What are the Costs?
As with all of our signage, we always have to make a disclaimer about calculating costs. Given the sheer number of variables that accompany sign creation, it is simply impossible to provide a definitive price without knowing the parameters of your specific sign. Like anything else, LED lighting can range from basic to elaborate, and lighting in general can get expensive fast.
In response, Element 4 Signs & Graphics has always been and will always be incredibly transparent when it comes to pricing. In addition, we are a company that works with businesses of all types and budgets. Many assume that lighting will be out of their budget, no questions asked. However, there are plenty of ways to install lighting that doesn’t cost a fortune, and we can help facilitate that process with cost-cutting solutions.
LED lights also tend to be far more energy efficient, helping to keep their continued costs manageable. At the same time, LED lighting can be viewed through the lens of long-term investment. Why? Because even if your business does not operate during nighttime hours, foot traffic and civilians will be able to spot your sign much easier in the dark if it is well-illuminated.
Inside Element 4’s Transparent Approach
Regardless of costs and logistics, you can fully rely on our experts to always give you transparency and honesty when discussing pricing. Yes, there are ways to be cost-effective when it comes to LED lights. However, the reality stands that LED lights can be expensive, especially if you want to get very sophisticated with the setup. Ultimately, we know that you’ve worked hard for your money, and we honor that fact by only creating products that are top-of-the-line and LED lights are no exception.
To learn more about the LED light options available at Element 4 Signs & Graphics, we’re here to answer all of your questions. As a solution-driven company that values hard work and elite craftsmanship, we look forward to showing you all of the ways in which LED lights can elevate your signage.