Your #1 Trusted Indoor & Outdoor Sign Shop in Charlotte and Surrounding Areas

Blade Signs: Compact, Eye-Catching, Practical

Exterior blade signs are traditionally structured to jut out in a perpendicular manner away from the building they are mounted to. Unlike other exterior signage, blade signs are actually double-sided, making them a preferred choice for business owners looking to catch the attention of pedestrians and foot traffic.

Blade signs are extremely common in the interiors of businesses. The reasons behind this are numerous, however, blade signs are highly visible and are usually great at directing people or informing them of where they’re located and/or where certain items are located. Blades are common in places like retail stores but also have their place in stadiums, campuses, arenas, etc. 

An exterior blade sign essentially serves the exact same purpose. Not only are they a helpful tool in terms of mapping location, but they’re still large enough for businesses to get creative with their design. In their most rudimentary form, blade signs used to be constructed out of carved-out wood planks and coated with vibrant paint colors. Over time, innovation has led to a lot more options for blade signs, making them a go-to for business owners. 


Outdoor Blade Sign, grey brick building, White circular sign with black letters, Catalyst Mercantile

Features of Blade Signs: Which Option Should You Choose?

Blade signs come in a wide variety of designs and can be customized to better showcase the personality of your business. Some clients prefer to keep their signs simple, sleek, and easy on the eyes. Whereas others might be inclined to jazz up their sign with illumination, illustrations, and other features. 

As with many of our sign options, lighting is a common technique that instantly adds appeal to almost any type of sign. To better accommodate the illumination, blade signs can be constructed with complementary materials such as aluminum, acrylic, paints, etc. Additionally, LED lights are the perfect choice for those looking to light up their blade sign, while still conserving energy and managing electricity costs.

Regardless of your hours of operation, with a little bit of strategically installed lighting, your blade sign can advertise for you 24/7. Depending on where you’re located, a lit blade sign can also ensure your business stands out amongst the others in its vicinity. Other popular types of blade signs include neon, non-illuminated, and specialty. Basically, there’s enough variety to customize your sign to reflect your tastes, whether you find yourself favoring a contemporary and clean look or a flashy and fun design.  

Element 4 Signs & Graphics Manufactures Blade Signs Per Your Taste and Style

As is the case with any type of sign, a blade sign should reflect your business’s aesthetic. With so many options including fonts, paint colors, lighting, and specialty shapes, there are a lot of ways to create a blade sign that is authentic to your tastes and represents the overall vibe of your establishment. 

Our savvy graphics team can, as always, help you with all aspects of the sign’s creation, beginning with concept and ending with installation. Our team can help you determine which sign (or signs) make the most sense for your business, and create a design blueprint based on your budget, aesthetic preferences, and needs.

Outdoor Blade Sign, Off-white Brick Building, White Background with Dark Brown letters, Villani's Bakery
Indoor Blade Sign on a brown wood circular post. Dark green background with white letters. Cross
Indoor Blade Signage, Black background with white and red letters. Snipes
Indoor Blade Sign, White wall, Black background with red letters, Breakout